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Statistical factorial analysis on the poroelastic material properties sensitivity of the lumbar intervertebral disc under compression, flexion and axial rotation

by A. Malandrino, J. A. Planell, D. Lacroix
A. Malandrino, J. A. Planell, D. LacroixStatistical factorial analysis on the poroelastic material properties sensitivity of the lumbar intervertebral disc under compression, flexion and axial rotationIn J Biomech, volume 42, 2009.
Bibtex Entry:
   author = {Malandrino, A. and Planell, J. A. and Lacroix, D.},
   title = {Statistical factorial analysis on the poroelastic material properties sensitivity of the lumbar intervertebral disc under compression, flexion and axial rotation},
   journal = {J Biomech},
   volume = {42},
   number = {16},
   pages = {2780-8},
   ISSN = {1873-2380 (Electronic)
0021-9290 (Linking)},
   DOI = {10.1016/j.jbiomech.2009.07.039},
   url = {},
   year = {2009},
   type = {Journal Article}