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work-in-progress seminar

Our work-in-progress seminars take place (usually) on Tuesdays from 10:15 – 11:45 am in the seminar room ZMPT (00.020) at Henkestraße 91 (directly to the left of the main entrance).

Date Speaker Topic Remarks
18. June 2024 Christoph Mark Uncharted Territory between the Mean and the Median
11. June 2024 Ben Fabry, Lovis Schween News in Biophysics, Desmin-R406W Assembly
28. May 2024 Tina Czerwinski Analyse des Migrationsverhalten von Immunzellen in dreidimensionalen Umgebungen PhD defense. Talk in German. Talk starts at 3 pm
14. May 2024 Lovis Schween Desmin Filament Assembly Characteristics and the Loss of Elongation Control in Mutant R406W
7. May 2024 Prof. Mercedes Costell Cancer microenvironment when the fibronectin synergy site is inactive Guest speaker, University of Valencia, Spain
30. April 2024 David Böhringer Collective force oscillations of spheroids are mechanically communicated through 3D matrices
23. April 2024 Ben Fabry Penguin season 2023/24 at Atka Bay
16. April 2024 Lena Fischer Methods to monitor and improve cell viability and behavior during and after bioprinting PhD defense. Talk in German. Talk starts at 1pm
18. July 2023 Alexander Winterl Remote sensing of breeding success from secluded species by exploitation of breeding population size.
11. July 2023 Nele Bringmann Analyse des Migrationsverhaltens von differenzierten, neutrophil-ähnlichen Zellen in 3-dimensionalen Biopolymernetzwerken Bachelor's thesis defense
04. July 2023 Prof. Dr. Anja Lux Unravelling mechanisms of IgG activity in health and disease
27. June 2023 Johannes Bartl Tracking Dense Emperor Penguin Huddles
20. June 2023 Nadine Ströhlein Development of a fluorescence shear flow deformation cytometer for measuring cell mechanics and mechanotransduction Master's thesis defense
13. June 2023 Prof. Dr. Danijela Gregurec Overview of research activities at the Gregurec-Lab
30. May 2023 Miriam Zenner Charakterisierung der Cytotoxizität von natürlichen Killerzellen in 3-dimensionalen Biopolymernetzwerken Bachelor's thesis defense
23. May 2023 Prof. Dr. Harald Herrmann Syncoilin - an intermediate filament protein that is in fact not one: Molecular collisions and turbulences at the costamere
09. May 2023 Prof. Dr. Kristian Franze Mechanotransduction in neural cells: real or fake?
02. May 2023 Sebastian Bohle Cell detection with neural networks for microfluidic applications Master's thesis defense
25. April 2023 Lovis Schween Recombinant Desmin - Expression, Assembly, Mutations, and Cell Migration
09. Mar 2023 Marina Spörrer Influence of Mutations on Specific Intermediate Filament Proteins on Biological and Mechanical Properties of Cells and Tissues PhD defense. Talk in German. Talk starts at 1pm in room 01.020!
14. Feb 2023 Thabang Matseke New and notable from the biofabrication front.
07. Feb 2023 Marina Spörrer Intermediate filements in skeletal muscle. Test run ("Vorsingen") for thesis defense
31. Jan 2023 Tina Czerwinski Migration of immune cells in 3D environments Talk starts at 2pm!
24. Jan 2023 Alexander Winterl Remote Sensing of Breeding Success in Emperor Penguins by Exploitation of Phenology Talk starts at 2pm!
17. Jan 2023 Delf Kah Responses of cells and tissue to mechanical stimuli PhD defense. Talk in German. Talk starts at 2pm!
tba Lars Bischof 3-D traction forces of immune cells during migration
20. Dec 2022 Johannes Bartl Shear Flow Deformation Cytometry: Improving Precision and Speed
of Cell Detection
Master's thesis defense
13. Dec 2022 Katharina Hast Role of calcium ions in shear-stress induced cell membrane damage during bioprinting Master's thesis defense
6. Dec 2022 Dr. Andrea Malandrino Quantifying fluid dynamics in a model of embolized microvasculature.
22. Nov 2022 David Böhringer Measuring cellular forces and matrix re-modelling in disease models.
15. Nov 2022 Delf Kah Responses of cells and tissue to mechanical stimuli
8. Nov 2022 Dr. Ingo Thievessen The focal adhesion protein β-parvin controls cardiomyocyte shape and sarcomere assembly in response to mechanical load
25. Oct 2022 Lovis Schween Dissecting the lateral and longitudinal assembly kinetics of vimentin with a dual wavelength stopped-flow approach
18. Oct 2022 Dr. Christoph Mark Three-Dimensional Force Microscopy of Immune Cells in Biopolymer Networks
28. July 2022 Niko Schwarm How to improve cell spreading, migration, and proliferation in alginate hydrogels by pre-crosslinking Master's thesis defense
26. Apr 2022 Konstantin Takors Vikoelastizität maligner Tumorzellen Bachelorarbeit Verteidigung (deutsch) 10.30 a.m. via
31. Mar 2022 Jonas Hügen Influence of extracellular matrix composition on cardiac myocyte hypertrophy Master thesis defense 9.30 a.m. via
24. Mar 2022 Ernst Wittmann Neural network based long-term evaluation of the migratory capabilities of immune cells Master thesis defense 9 a.m. via
22. Mar 2022 Lovis Schween Dual Wavelength Stopped-Flow Analysis of the Assembly Kinetics of Vimentin Master thesis defense 10:15 a.m. via
07. Dec 2021 Jennifer Elsterer shear flow deformability cytometry Master thesis defense 10:15 a.m. via
16. Nov 2021 Paul Kenntner Detektion von Immunzellen mit neuronalen Netzwerken Bachelor colloquium 10:15 a.m. via
09. Nov 2021 Lars Bischof 3-D traction forces of immune cells during migration Master colloquium 10:15 a.m. via
26. Oct 2021 Martin Ahn Controlled pre-crosslinking of alginate-based hydrogels for cell bahavior optimization Bachelor colloquium 10:15 a.m. via
27. Sep 2021 (Monday!) Lisa-Marie Senger Physiological and Pathological Hypertrophy in Cardiac Muscle Master's colloquium 10:00 a.m. via
11. Mar 2021 Sebastian Trinkl The role of vinculin
in regulating lamellipodial actin polymerisation
Bachelor presentation, 9:00 via Zoom
08. Dec 2020 Dr. Richard Gerum saenopy: A finite element method to calculate 3D traction forces of cells 10.15 a.m. via Zoom
01. Dec 2020 Kaveh Roshanbinfar, PhD student in the laboratory of Felix Engel Cardiac tissue engineering using electroconductive biomaterials 10.15 a.m. via Zoom
24. Nov 2020 Dr. Mar Cóndor The role of mechanical forces in angiogenesis 10.15 a.m. via Zoom
17. Nov 2020 Dr. Alexander Tesler Silicone oil grafting as a platform for low-cost and scalable anti-biofouling coating on various substrates 10.15 Zoom
27. Oct 2020 Jan Robering Lymphatic tissue engineering for the treatment of lymph edema 10:15 a.m. via Zoom
13. Oct 2020 Anke Kaufmann Design, optimization and characterization of a microindentation setup for measuring the mechanical properties of alginate-based hydrogels 14:00 p.m. via Zoom, Bachelor's Defense
15. Sep 2020 Natalie Huhn Einfluss von regulatorischen T-Zellen auf die 3-D Motilität von Effektor-T-Zellen 10:15 a.m. via Zoom
09. Sep 2020 Milena Trabert Biocompatibility Testing of Hydrogel Blends Bachelor's Defense, 11.00 a.m. via Zoom
08. Sep 2020 Sebastian Sanokowski Implementation of recurrent neural networks for stationary input processing 10.15 a.m. via Zoom
01. Sep 2020 Sebastian Bohle Quantitative Hochdurchsatz-Messung mechanischer Eigenschaften von Zellen in einer Scherströmung 11.00 a.m. via Zoom
30. Jun 2020 Dr. Alexander Tesler Slippery Liquid-Infused Porous Surfaces (SLIPS) as Non-toxic Anti-biofouling Coating Alternative for Marine and Biomedical Applications via Zoom
09. Jun 2020 Mar Eroles Fast phenotyping of cell mechanics via Zoom
02. Jun 2020 Benedikt Laubmann Strukturanalyse von Kaiserpinguinhuddles via Zoom, Bachelor's Defense, Talk in German
19. May 2020 Jia You Evaluation of cell viability in response to the flow and shear stress profile in printing needles during biofabrication via Zoom, Master‘s Defense
12. May 2020 Dr. Ingo Thievessen Integrin-based signaling processes in hypertrophic cardiomyocytes via Zoom
29. Apr 2020 (Wednesday) at 10.00 a.m. (s.t.) Wubulikasimu Yibulayin FRET microscopy for investigating RNA polymerase interactions in the flavi-virus Wendesday (!)10.00 a.m. (s.t.) via Zoom
17. Mar 2020 Delf Kah Force generation in cells in response to matrix stiffness
03. Mar 2020 Fritzi Zorn, Paula Kapfer Alginat Bioprinting Talk in German
25. Feb 2020 Alexander Winterl Global Warming in Antarctica
11. Feb 2020 Lena Fischer Shear stress response and cell damage during biofabrication
04. Feb 2020 Tina Czerwinski Generic principles of immune cell migration
28. Jan 2020 Elham Mirzahossein Stress stiffening of cells
14. Jan 2020 David Boehringer High throughput measurements of 3-D contractile forces
07. Jan 2020 Nadine Grummel Do biophysical properties of patient-derived tumor cells correlate with clinical data?
17. Dec 2019 Andreas Bauer Cell generated forces during collective migration Master‘s Defense
10. Dec 2019 Marina Spoerrer Generation of highly contractile skeletal muscle microtissues
03. Dec 2019 Dr. Imke Leicht and Dr. Micaela Zirngibl (Office for Gender and Diversity) Erfolgreich kommunizieren: Empfehlungen für einen geschlechtersensiblen Sprachgebrauch Talk in German
26. Nov 2019 Dr. med. Stefan Uderhardt Effectors vs. Protectors: Visualizing Inflammatory Responses at Sites of Tissue Damage
14. Nov 2019 Lucas Heublein Neural networks for cell detecttion Master's Defense
22. Oct 2019 Karuna Kapoor Mechanics of pollen tube growth.
23. July 2019 PD Dr. Claus Metzner Detection of immune cell homing
09. July 2019 Emil Iftekhar Shear stress and flow profile of shear-thinning bioinks in a microfluidic channel
02. July 2019 Prof. Dr. Michael Schmiedeberg Phase field crystal theories
25. Jun 2019 Mona Seifert Uncovering genetic sequences impairing RNA virus genome replication for the development of vaccines
04. Jun 2019 Dr. Ingo Thievessen Coupling Cell Protrusion and Adhesion in Migrating Cells
28. May 2019 Tina Czerwinski Immune cell migration in a 3D environment
21. May 2019 Julia Kraxner Stretching Behavior of Single Vimentin Filaments
14. May 2019 Lena Fischer Cellular stress responses in biofabrication processes.
30. Apr 2019 Dr. Christoph Mark Collective Forces of Tumor Spheroids in 3D Biopolymer Networks
23. Apr 2019 Marina Spörrer Generation of functional skeletal muscle tissue from satellite cells.
20. Mar 2019 Christopher Dürrbeck How to keep magnetic tweezer forces under control Master's Defense
26. Feb 2019 Lisa Gebhardt Lysophosphatidic acid activates glial cells
22. Jan 2019 Elham Mirzahosseini
(Sharif University of Technology, Iran)
Microrheology of Red Blood Cells Interview
17. Jan 2019 Dr. Sebastian Richter Computer vision-aided biophysical and ecological studies of Antarctic species Doktorverteidigung
15. Jan 2019 Michael Hlavatsch Characterization of biological fluids and cells with particle tracking microrheology Master's Defense
18. Dec 2018 David Böhringer Modelling and measuring contractile forces of tumor spheroids and muscle fibers in synthetic tissue matrices Master's Defense
24. Oct 2018
12.00 a.m. at lecture hall H
Prof. Dr. Josef Käs Cancer Metastasis - A new type of unjamming transition Note different time and location: Lecture hall H at Staudtstrasse 5
23. Oct 2018 Christoph Mark Heterogene stochastische Prozesse in komplexen Systemen Doktorverteidigung
24. Oct 2018 Sebastian Sanokovski Automatisierte Detektion von Immunzellen in einer 3-D Matrix mit Machine Learning Bachelorvortrag
17. Oct 2018
12.00 a.m. at lecture hall C
Dr. David Dulin Magnetic tweezers to study gene machines at the single-molecule level Note different time and location: Lecture hall C at Staudtstrasse 5
16. Oct 2018 Dr. Kenneth Chih-Wei Chen WNT5A triggers activation of latent TGFβ via force transduction and further promotes tissue fibrosis
14. Oct 2018 Prof. Dr. Robert Endres Information processing by the ‘probrain’: how bacteria sense and respond to chemicals lecture hall Henkestr. 91
19. Jun 2018 Marina Spoerrer Desmin and the Biomechanical Behavior of Skeletal Muscle
12. Jun 2018 Julia Lell Mechanische Konditionierung von Kardiomyozyten
29. May 2018 Richard Gerum Jamming and Glass Transitions in King Penguin Colonies During Breeding
15. May 2018 Christoph Mark How To Make Money at the Stock Exchange
8. May 2018 Mona Seifert Force Measurement of the RNA Polymerase Motor Using Magnetic Tweezers
24. Apr 2018 Delf Kah A Bioreactor System for Fabrication, Stimulation, and Characterization of Muscle Micro Tissues